Telecom Idea Exchange

  Welcome to xLEC.us

This website is here to provide help and create open communications between Local Exchange Carriers, including those utilize CopperCom CSX & Taqua T7000 Voice Switches. We primarily communicate via maillists, so there are no web based forums.

We host the maillists for SSUG (SoftSwitch Users), Taqua Users Group, Cable TV and Brandywine Patent Issues Group maillists.

These maillist are all private, and in order to join, you need to be involved with the industry of the subject of the maillist.


Gent Cav
xLEC Webmaster

Brandywine DSL Patent Lawsuit Issue and Roundtable Discussion Meeting:

Only service providers invited.

Where: IT Expo & Taqua Users Meeting, Miami Convention Center, Room# D229-230

When: Jan 30th, 2013 at 3:15pm EST

Contact: Gent at xlec.us or find me at Miami Beach Resort Hotel

during Monday through Thursday, meals will be provided courtesy of Taqua. (Meals are listed here.)

IT Expo is also providing free full conference access. Contact me for this.

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